Published on October 8, 2009 By Richard Mohler In Personal Computing

Thinking about getting another internal hard drive. Don't know much about them so any recommendations would be nice. My other one is a serial ata, if that helps..Also are they hard to install? 

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 15, 2009

That shows how old my computer is!! I've never seen a drive that didn't need jumpers!! So how does the computer know which is the master drive with the OS on it without jumpers??

Each serial channel has a number associated with it, so just set the right HD to boot in the BIOS, and you'll be good to go!

on Oct 15, 2009

That will only apply to 'PATA' drives [IDE] . SATA has no master/slave relationship as they are not Parallel, but Serial
That shows how old my computer is!! I've never seen a drive that didn't need jumpers!! So how does the computer know which is the master drive with the OS on it without jumpers??

easy there is ONLY ONE drive per cable and only ONE connector at each END of the lead

the number of drives supported is controlled my the number of connectors on the motherboard/controller card, current motherboards can have from 2 to 10 SATA connectors and controller cards can have from 2 to 8(mostly 2 or 4) sata connectors

and the master drive is the drive on the lowest number sata port, but the bios can also boot of other drives



on Oct 15, 2009

Cool.... thanks guys!

on Oct 19, 2009

I hooked up hard drive just like the one that came out and it works fine. I was just wondering what the other hookups (on the left side) are for?

on Oct 20, 2009

What's the model number of your motherboard or can you take a picture and post it?

on Oct 20, 2009

Richard Mohler
I hooked up hard drive just like the one that came out and it works fine. I was just wondering what the other hookups (on the left side) are for?

That is the factory setup/test jumper, it is not used by your computer

on Oct 20, 2009

That is the factory setup/test jumper, it is not used by your computer

And I thought he was talking about the ones on his motherboard.

on Oct 20, 2009

Good to know, thanks guys..

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