Does anybody know why this happens.. It's getting kind of old hearing from people saying that the analog clock hands on widgets aren't there.. Why doesn't anybody address this problem???
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on Sep 25, 2005
I didn't see this thread, otherwise I would have added to it. Sorry for creating an extra thread on it then.

I have the same problem with clock hands vanishing/clocls not working, but I got the SDanalogclock2.dll back by reinstalling an old version of dx 2.3 and now have both the 2 & the 3 dll analog clock plugins in my plugins folder - BUT some clocks still dont work, and I have taken a look inside the ones which don't and it seems those which don't work refer to the SDanalogclock3.dll plugin - but those which refer to the SDanalogclock2.dll plugin work fine ...

so, the problem seems to lie with the SDanalogclock3.dll plugin - which i have, from the latest version of desktopx 3.1 pro .. help please !
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