Published on July 20, 2008 By Richard Mohler In Personal Computing

Just got new computer & downloaded tree size and it says 22 gb's used.  Computer drive c says 227 gb's from 283 gb's which is about 56 or 57 gb's used.. Should I be concerned that the tree size reads about 35  gb's less? I tend to trust it as opposed to what drive c says. Anybody know why the difference?

on Jul 20, 2008
Drivescan by Stardock will give u an accurate accounting of what space is being used up and by what folders, apps.
on Jul 20, 2008
on Jul 20, 2008
I was told by HP that there is a difference in how storage space is measured,yet they are both in bytes.For example,I have a 120Gb HDD.Properties says 103gb on 'c' and 8.37gb on 'd'=111.37 gb or 8.63 "missing" gb's which reflects this difference on my machine.(or at least HP so claims)Could it be I got shorted? I want my 8.63 gigs back!
on Jul 25, 2008
I shut off system restore and did a virus scan and all space returned, thanks..